研究報告 紙風船における股関節外転エクササイズの効果

我々の紙風船における股関節外転エクササイズの効果についての研究が、国際ジャーナル”Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies”にアクセプトされました。

Our study “External focus instruction using a soft paper balloon on muscle activation patterns in isometric hip abduction exercises: A comparative analysis with external resistance tools” has accepted bt Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies on April 03, 2024.


The paper balloon method is a novel isometric exercise. Press but control to avoid crushing the balloon without exerting pressure on the object, causing muscle co-contraction.
In this study, we evaluate differences in muscle activation patterns during CKC isometric hip abduction exercises between the paper balloon task and tasks using external resistance (hard plastic, non-elastic, and elastic bands) and further determine their influence on the contralateral side. As a result, the trunk muscles (TrA, IO, and MF) were similarly activated with the paper balloon and external loading tasks; however, the paper balloon task activated trunk muscles without bearing weight, potentially avoiding pressure on the spine, knee, or hip joints. Moreover, all tasks showed muscle activation on the opposite side of the body.

link: DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbmt.2024.04.015

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